Hopspots in libraries
The challenges of modern day libraries
Modern libraries are struggling with engaging children and creating offers for the new generation that makes it appealing to go to the library
Hopspots is specifically targeted to children at the age of 3 to 15, but you can program your own content in the games in Hopspots, so they can be enjoyed by everyone.

Games for children from 3 years and up
5 of the 6 different games in Hopspots are targeted toward young children at the age of 3 and older.
The Chase is a movement game where players have to quickly catch the red and green light that pop up on the tiles.
In Sequence, players have to think carefully about their next move when they try to remember the order they built on the tiles – because if they make a wrong step they have to start over!
FlowDance is a music and dance game where children record a piece of music by combining different instruments on the tiles. Afterwards, they can make a dance for the music by stepping on the spots in a way that they think fits the music. Lastly, they can challenge each other in a dance-off.
Workshops and events
Hopspots can be used for a lot of different things such as events during school holidays, workshops for both young and old, creative workshops on making literature games, creating your own stories in Code a Spot, and quizzes about authors and their works in Mix’n’Match – the possibilities are endless.
The games are designed to activate a large group of children by dividing them into groups or having everyone play together, all depending on the number of children and their academic level. You can even play alone or together with just a couple people.
Make your own games
You can also make your own games with Hopspots. That is done in Mix’n’Match or Code a Spot where you can program the content yourself and adapt the games to all ages and academic levels. It is done quite simply by recording content and taking photos for the games with the iPad’s record and camera functions – making your own games is quick and easy.
If you record your own content in Mix’n’Match you could make a game for the library, where you have to match authors and their works on the tiles. First, you step on a tile that says “Michael Bond” and then you have to find the spot that says “A Bear called Paddington” to match a pair.
In Code a Spot, you have the option to program the content of every single tile. You could make it so that the yellow tile says “There once was a prince” when stepped on. That could be the beginning of a fairytale you make on the tiles where you record 12 parts of a story on the tiles.
Interactive storytelling
The Hopspots app also contains The Island, an interactive story game for the intermediate stage and lower secondary education. You can for instance make a “The Island” themed-event during a holiday where children have the time to immerse themselves in the engaging story together with their friends and families.
The children have to discuss and come to an agreement on different problems. And every now and then, they have to do physical exercises in order to collect food, improve the mood in the camp, and explore the island – in order to hopefully beat the game.
A permanent part of the library
The sky’s the limit when it comes to how you want to use Hopspots. And it is up to the individual library to decide how they can best utilize Hopspots.
For example, Hopspots can be placed in a permanent spot at the library where everyone can access it and interact with many different games and activities – but it can also be facilitated by the staff at the library at specific events – or both.
There are as many options as your imagination allows!
Takes less than 5 minutes to set up
Hopspots are designed to be easy and simple to use so even the youngest children can intuitively figure out how they work.
So even if they are placed without supervision, the Hopspots app’s intuitive and responsive design allows for everyone to take part in the fun without any steep learning curves or barriers of entry.
The Hopspots tiles have a long connection range and the speaker unit is easy to wheel around and simple to store so the fun can begin in no time!

Get a free demonstration of Hopspots or contact us with any questions on: +45 31 13 26 18 or info@hopspots.dk.
Help with getting started
When you buy Hopspots the following is included for free:
- Free start-up course
- Free support
- 2 years of warranty
- Easy access to instructions
- Easy access to step-by-step guides for all Hopspots games